By Anonymous - 15/10/2010 22:52 - United States

Today, my mother gave me an early Christmas present; a Bissell mop so I can "do a better job" when I "clean her floors". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 012
You deserved it 3 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliaysleighbasic 0

get her some laundry detergent and an iron and give her the same crap reasoning back about taking care of your clothes... people don't like it when the tables are turned back at em.


So your Christmas gift to her can be a grave site.

YDI for not doing a thorough job in the first place. And to all of those people it's not her job - if she still lives with her mother she should have some responsibilities and not just sit on her ass all day. And to #24, what type of palace did you grow up in? It's like you expect her mother to do all of the work, even laundry that's not even hers. Cleaning the floors is a mutual thing, and I assume (by the OP's complaining) that the mother is doing every other mutual task around the home, so the OP is pretty lucky to just get away with floors. And in response to #29, I'm getting the impression that you think the person who gives birth to you and raises you automatically makes them a slave? I don't know about other people, but that sounds a tad ridiculous to me. We're put on this earth for a reason. And if we can't contribute around the house, how are we ever going to make it in the real world? Now if she doesn't live with her mother, I assume the OP's agreed to come back and help out. If that's the case, she didn't have to enter any such agreement, and if she did she shouldn't just do the work half-heartedly. But, again, I don't even know if that's what the situation is. I do think we owe a huge debt to our mothers, and to 'clean her floors' is the least we can do. Unless there was abuse and violence in the upbringing, I have no idea why all of these commenter's have such a problem with the mother's tiny expectations. OP, she's going to get you a real Christmas gift when December comes anyway. Get over it.

* to all of those people who think it's not her job. whoops.

gibby1235 6
edwtf 0

lol you fail at life for writing an essay on fml.

boatkicker 4

THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A REPLY. I DO NOT KNOW HOW THIS GOT HERE! RAHHH! Sort of torn on this one. It's a case of Not enough information. YDI if 1) You live at home, and mopping is one of your (reasonable number) of chores. If your excuse is that don't know how to do it properly, ask for tips and figure it out. If you do know how to do it properly, stop being lazy. 2) This was part of a joke. Get a sense of humor. 3) You don't live at home, but have agreed to help your mother out. Don't agree to things that you can't follow through with (although in this case, I have to say, that was a rather crappy gift.) FYL if 1) You don't live at home, and never agreed to wash your mothers floors. If she expects you to do this, and do an awesome job at it, and you never agreed, that's just plain rude. 2) You do all of the housework entirely (and your mother is entirely capable of doing at least some of it) If she wants things to be perfect, she ought to help out. 3) (a little bit, if) You don't get another gift at Christmas. Even if this was a joke, it's still not a very nice gift.

boatkicker 4

Woops, I had a fourth YDI point. YDI if you mother is disabled in a way that makes it impossible or extraordinarily difficult to mop. Do her a favor: mop the floor.

at least you didn't have to wait til christmas.

Eurogirl_07 0
Eurogirl_07 0
Eurogirl_07 0

Ydi for being lazy not being able even mop the floor good enough