By lilzoot - 08/02/2009 03:19 - United States

Today, I played games on and gave up after 10 minutes. They were hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 502
You deserved it 41 985

Same thing different taste

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she has a sports car is an astronaut and has other multiple jobs I can't name mainly because I'm not into barbie my point is...BARBIES RICH BITCH fo show she got the bacon, the lettuce, the moola, the dinero

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nickijojo_015 0

there not hard....i played for like 3 hours once(= it was really fun.

fun wow who likes Barbie? FYL people who like barbie

hippo1234 19

I love the one where you do her hair!

Haha to Roi!!- this made me go play barbie aswell!!

nickijojo_015 0

who are you talking about? raynor?

thanks for the idea! now i'm gonna go play, haha.

The games make me feel like all I meant for in life is to fail

necomni 0

LOL, thank you so much for making me guffaw like that XD *sneakily goes to check*

xsydbabyx 0

That's not a FML. That's a FAIL. Except for the bike game. Those ******* puddles are hardcore.