By j_Lauren - 28/01/2013 04:48 - United States

Today, my mom had the option of choosing anywhere in the world where we could go on vacation. We live in the USA and she chose to fly to Texas, rent an RV, and drive to Florida. Anywhere in the world. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 596
You deserved it 3 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, atleast it's a vacation.. right? not Rio or Rome but it beats sitting at home

From what I understand, Texans believe they ARE the world, so maybe she felt she had no other choice.


I feel so awesome moderating this. Hehehe no lifeeee wattap

At least you're not heading to Timbuktu...

What do you mean geography illiterate? I know that Australia is in Asia. You dang Asians always think you're better than us Americans.

If you aren't paying for it, get over it. If you want to go outside the country, save up money (possibly when you're older if you're still a teen) and go. If you really want it, it will happen. There's nothing stopping you except yourself. As for the mom, there are many reasons why she might choose that. Maybe she's been outside the country previously, but never to the south. Having lived in several parts of the US, I can safely say there ARE multiple cultures here.

jem970 19

Oh really? Show me proof. I am just DYING to see it. Please enlighten me with your vast knowledge of ALL Americans and our capabilities. Im also sure you have opinions on our reading, writing, and scientific capabilities as well. I said it once and I will say it again, get bent.

jem970 19

Oh and just so you know Mr. High and Mighty its GEOGRAPHICALLY. Learn to type a sentence before you start throwing stones.

At least you didn't have to like shaving cream off her, am i right. No ..ok

Satoaoi 13

**** Miami Disney world here I come =>

clue_me_in 20

Wow. She didn't at least want to go to Hawaii?