By Anonymous - 01/12/2014 17:55 - United States

Today, my mom found my dildo, and got so angry that she beat me with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 700
You deserved it 15 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

austincain117 16

I guess having a ***** is a dildont ha get it? no... okay...

I, personally, would not touch someone else's *****


TahoeFMler 22

If you're young enough to be living with your mother and she has the right to be in your belongings, you shouldn't have a *****.

Because young people don't feel sexual desires, right? It's something that magically happens when you turn 18, riiight? I mean, I get disliking the fact that underaged people have sex, because there's a lot of responsibilities involved, which they may or may not have yet, but not masturbating because *you* arbitrarily think it's wrong? I can't see the reasoning, I bet so can't you.

Also, plenty of young adults still live with their parents while attending college. OP could be a legal adult.

If you're not old enough to purchase a sex toy, you're not old enough to be in possession of one. So, your response is arbitrary in itself.

31- Most 18 year olds still live with their parents. And it's not uncommon for people in their 20s to live with their parents. Like 41 said, people of all ages **********. It's natural, and there's nothing wrong with it. 48- There isn't always an age limit on buying sex toys. I had a vibrator when I was 17 and I've turned out fine.

In my city, you can't go into adult stores until you're 18. I'm sure you can buy them other places though.

orbit 22

"Timmy where did you get that!?!?" "The internet"

TahoeFMler 22

Again, if you're in a position that your mother (parent) has the right to go through your shit, you shouldn't have a *****/sex toy. You know your parents well enough to know if something like that is going to freak them out or piss them off. Even if it's normal to live with your parents as an adult, you know your boundaries, limits, or rules. ********** in the shower, or with your fingers. Control yourself until you are able to finance your own private locations. Duh.

You say that as if parents have the right to go snooping through their kids stuff and they don't. Just because you live under someone else's roof doesn't mean that you've lost your right to privacy.

TahoeFMler 22

I look at things in my 1 year old daughters room. If I thought there was a need, I'd log in to her FB, check her phone, and even find/read a journal. It's called parenting. While I wouldn't be thrilled to learn my child felt she needed a *****/vibrator, I don't think I'd actually touch it. Or feel the need to discuss it.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

IF you thought there was a need. Some parents just SNOOP. My parents used to make me keep my phone on the kitchen counter at night "so I couldn't text." I found out later that every night, they took my phone into their bedroom and read every single one of my texts. (They did this from when I was 14-17). For reference, I'm a good kid, never drank alcohol or did drugs, always got good grades. My parents had ZERO reason to go through my phone, they were just nosy. That was a huge breach of trust. Maybe OP's mom was snooping and found the ***** and her kid is actually a legal adult. Beating someone with a sex toy is completely an overreaction in any case.

TahoeFMler 22

Parents don't just have a right to snoop, they have the responsibility. They are responsible for the child's safety until they're 18 or an emancipated minor. In other news, who said it was snooping? Maybe OP left it out. Maybe OP's mom found it while reaching for something else. Maybe it wasn't clean when she did. If I hopped out of the shower for instance, and grabbed a dirty ***** as I reached for a towel, I can honestly see myself getting pretty upset over it. I'm not saying that's the case. There's only like 15 words in this FML. You can extrapolate pretty much whatever you want from that.

Omg that is to funny I just picture some one getting beat by a ***** lol

It's about time you learned your ****** and dildon'ts.

Filthy, i hope you sanitize it before you use it next!

There is a town near me called *****. And all I can think of is OP being beaten with a town. The best part is they have a festival in the summer called ***** Days and get very upset when sexually open people show up with their insertable toys.

That sounds like the start of a bad porno.