By Shelbitchh - 28/07/2011 09:11 - United States

Today, my mom decided to take away my TV after noticing that I watch the show True Blood. Apparently, since I watch this, I must be "curious about sex." I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 744
You deserved it 5 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RebornProblem 0
mismonroe 0

Correct her; you are not curious, you're actually quite the pro.


loftislover 4

I'm a 14 year old girl, and I love true blood. I watch it every Sunday. With my MOM. She doesn't care, we both love that show.

She must be crazy! Only biatches like sex

I'm 16 and have been watching it with my parents and boyfriend since it came out.

Oh god, mum banned me and my sister from watching it too, even though we're both over 18 and have read all the books first.... the dvds are stashed under our bed.

This is the part where u tell ur mom to gtfo cuz ur 19 alrdy -.-

KalCountry76 12

Wow that sucks. I'm 17 and my parents reluctantly let me watch Game of Thrones, though I can see why.

How come every time I hear a story like this I get really irritated and want to tell the mother off even though I don't know her?

krapcissaruj 13

That show is definitely awesome, but, i do know a few people who get off to the sex in it >.>