By eh - 06/10/2014 19:12 - Azerbaijan - Baku

Today, my laziness reached a whole new level when I caught myself skipping the longer FML stories to read the shorter ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 488
You deserved it 13 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude. You must vote for all FMLs, and read them. Else you won't get your ninja badges. *rolls eyes*

Well, you weren't that lazy when you wrote this semi long FML


cadillacgal79 32

I don't understand why this made it through. Did people click yes to see what would happen?

christina3466 17

Lol don't worry we all do that, long FML's r too complicated, as well as long comments

Lct1196 31

Speak for yourself. The only ones i skip are the ones ive already voted on. Gotta read em all!

Kyle1dc 17

#6 FML! Gotta read them all **its true** you know its the greatest thing f@#$ my life and f@#$ yours too FML!!! Gotta read them all, gotta read them aaaaaallll!!! F@#$ My Life! (sung to the pokemon theme song)

Metal_Chick 15

Shit that little tune along with those lyrics are stuck in my head lol.


Im proud of myself for recognizing that it was the pokemon theme song

Omg that was amazing! XD I realized what you were trying to do right away haha.

ileenefudge 29

#20 will you marry me? That was so beautiful. XD

Omg, #20. That was amazing. I love you so much for that! xD

Well, you weren't that lazy when you wrote this semi long FML

Dude. You must vote for all FMLs, and read them. Else you won't get your ninja badges. *rolls eyes*

Ehh, this FML is too long, I think I'll just comment this and read the next FML.

Oh common, we all did it (at least once on the random mode) !

Well, at least you wrote a 'small', one-sentence one

To lazy to read but not to lazy to write. I'm willing to guess that it took way more effort to think, write, and send this then it would be to read an fml ...

tehdarkness 21

Gettin an FML posted, totally worth it.

rekkas 16