Make your mind up

By Jason Brazil - 13/08/2019 14:00

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because I'm unproductive, and haven't been doing anything. He doesn't tell me what to do, and expects me to read his mind. When I ask him what he wants me to do, he gets pissed and says that I should already know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 886
You deserved it 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what kind of job do you have? though some direction is expected in most cases your boss has their own work to do and has the right to expect you know your job enough to be able to work independently.

bring it up with HR, bosses should not be allowed to be vague


bring it up with HR, bosses should not be allowed to be vague

what kind of job do you have? though some direction is expected in most cases your boss has their own work to do and has the right to expect you know your job enough to be able to work independently.

LostSoul 19

Typically, there is a job description when people get hired.

ok, that seems pretty straightforward. what job do you have there?

That’s when you make up shit to do and then do it. Crank out a memo and then lovingly file it in a cabinet where no one will ever read it.

But if nobody ever reads it - including said boss, then there's no de facto proof that OP ever did any work. Besides, I doubt that OP's boss wants him to (only ever) write memos.

I don't think it's possible to do that in a tire shop

Sure! You can write memos about tire pressure, tread depth, radials, rotation strategies, and so one. Even with a passing familiarity of tires, I can come up with many memo topics.

LostSoul 19

When you were hired, were you given a job description? Did they tell you what your job would entail?

Well, as your boss the head of the surgery department has a point.

he works at a tire shop he was offered the job on the condition he filled out the application there was not interview or orientation

I would love to know how long you've had this job. It sounds like you're one of those people who constantly needs to be told what to do. ydi