By Shantwozzlah - 26/03/2012 16:15 - United States - Kissimmee

Today, my husband thought it would be funny to scare me by maniacally zooming in and out of traffic while we were on his motorcycle. His mood turned to anger when I nervously admitted to having voided my bowels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 840
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

What a crazy bf you have... That's not funny at all that's just flat out stupid and dangerous... Fyl op, how unfortunate, just be glad you only voided your bowels instead of being road kill...

tell your boyfriend that putting you in a terrifying and extremely dangerous situation is not ******* funny.


If your on a bike do stupid shit on your own time, don't drop your girl friend into that mixture

Rocky007 15

YDI for climbing on the donor-cycle in the first place.

Don't worry about it, one day he will misjudge something or hit some loose gravel and then you won't have an asshole boyfriend

mbrooks5110 0

You need to dump him he's an asshole. He endangered your life, thought is was funny. Horrified you to the point where you went on yourself & got angry at you for his asshatery. This is not the kind of person anyone needs to be with.

missnuthin 10

sounds like HDI (he deserved it)

iTransform 8

Serves his stupid ass right, bet he won't do it again.

EvilDave 13

OP, you deserve it for dating someone like that and he deserves for being like that.

I'll assume OP has ridden with her boyfriend before, so she had no reason to believe he was going to act like a maniac . He evidently thought it would be funny to give his girlfriend a scare and started driving dangerously. The fact that he thought it would be funny to scare his girlfriend speaks volumes about his personality. Then when he realizes that he literally scared the shit out of her, he has the unmitigated freaking gall to get angry at a situation HE caused? What an asshat. DTMFA. If he wants to ride like a maniac, he can do so alone. Hopefully he won't be doing it for long.

That seems like a really shitty situation.