By Deconstructed - 19/05/2009 20:13 - United States

Today, my husband let me sleep in while he worked on the landscaping by our backyard pool. Ready for a shower, I stripped naked, opened the back door to let the dog out, and stepped out to ask him how it was going. Turns out he'd finally hired a landscaping crew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 091
You deserved it 27 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you stepped outside naked? LOL. well, dont worry i bet they enjoyed it.

haha thats awesome. Im sure they loved that job, and theyll be back ANYTIME.


prettyxdemented 0

Why the **** would you step outside naked at ALL, even if you thought there was no one there? Common sense, please, common sense. YDI.

prettyxdemented 0

Also 27/83, you're the one who sounds like an insecure little prick. "Lololol I hook up with different girls, I go to a really smart school I'M BETTER THAN YOU ALL HAHAHAHA." Dude, nobody cares. If you really had a life you wouldn't have read through 56 more comments before coming back to defend your internet honor. Nobody cares. It's the internet. If people gang up on you... it... doesn't matter. A defensive post? Makes you look stupid. Amazing, I know.

haha agreed with 93 :) 27=dumb 42 yr old guy with 15 cats making up an internet story :) btw-- OP, you made me laugh :) I've done stuff like that cept not really... mainly having gardeners look through my window after i shower. but same kinda embarrassment... lol

feel that morning breeze baby! i'm sure the crew was thrilled if you're hot (or utterly disgusted if you're not) but anyway, you deserve it. gosh, u could at least put on a sexy robe....YDI

wallythedolly 0

lol someone repeat what 27 said before it was moderated!

in town.. no matter if you have a fence out back.. going out naked is an absolute no no..

get bent. getting naked at your own house is fine. Get naked you prudes

This raises a question: Is there a positive counterpart to FML? A website where you tell others about your best moment of the day?