The Stinking of Hill House

By laner - 26/07/2019 12:00

Today, I found out my ex-husband left the fridge full of rotting meat in the house that I'm selling. I turned off the power to the house in March. Now the whole house stinks, and I had to have the fridge professionally removed and the kitchen cleaned because buyers are coming to look at it tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 606
You deserved it 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, but why didn't you check the property before turning of the power to make sure everything is okay.

Jeremy Strang 7

100% your fault. Do a basic check of the property before you just go and cut the power.


That sucks, but why didn't you check the property before turning of the power to make sure everything is okay.

Jeremy Strang 7

100% your fault. Do a basic check of the property before you just go and cut the power.

He should have used shrimp. I’ve heard the stench is even more offensive than rotting meat.

It is. Much, much worse. Hurricanes are fun with all the various rotting foods in trash cans outside.