By Llaurin - 24/01/2011 14:43 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband has been painting our house all weekend and plans to finish the job after work today. I decided to surprise him by completing the job myself. Painting the last window frame, I dropped the open tin of white paint, right onto our car roof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 724
You deserved it 10 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must feel like there is a black cloud over you, but don't feel blue. I just read that paint should rinse off. I hope your husband isn't a violent man, and I hope he won't pink a fight or yellow lot of you, or get sick and puce all over the place. Maybe he'll be green with envy at your new paint job. Orange you glad I was here to cheer you up?


I see you have managed yourself to get the car a paint job as well (:

toxic_venom 4

Thats why you never have a woman do a mans job lol