By Anonyme - 26/09/2014 06:56 - France - Saint-di

Today, my husband felt dishonoured: his darling little girl, the love of his life, whom he's always considered pure, turns out to be pregnant. He's now warned her: she's grounded and that whoever did this to her had better not come hanging round the house. Pussy, two years old, is now housebound until her kittens are born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 549
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of fur. Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, You're such a *****.


If you don't want kittens, spay your cat.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

On second thought, spay your cat anyway... Go adopt a kitten if you want one so bad.

..... We're all gonna go to hell are we?

Hahaha! The end really surprised me, and threw me off for a few moments. I can't say much, my stepfather is really attached to his cat.

Hey, the man just loves the pussy... God bless him lol

Definitely not what I thought! Funny. though!

Wow, I was so confused before I even read the end, on the bright side kittens are amazing and make anyone happy!