By Mary - 10/07/2011 12:49 - United States

Today, my husband decided he needs to be thanked after every time he changes our daughter's diaper; if not he throws a temper tantrum. Now I have two babies to deal with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 327
You deserved it 6 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

"Honey, I just changed a diaper." "Good for you." "Excuse me? Excuse me? I just changed a diaper and all I get is a good for you? I better get a thank you or I am going to throw a tantrum. Consider yourself warned."


maybe it's cause your an unappreciative bitch.

zaksyak 1

at least you didnt see a picture of your car on failbook

some men change diapers.. some men don't.. I have to thank my husband anytime he does something around the house too.. good thing he doesn't do much. but I would not trade him for anything.. he makes up for it;)

redhead07 0

does he thank you every time you do something for the baby? if he doesn't throw a temper-tantrum too

marcus903 17

YDI for not thanking your husband.

Mabster84 2

I'm not sure you've been with your husband long enough to realize that this is normal for men. I've had many discussions with many wives and it's the same story from each one. The wives will do light cleaning and pick up every day, picking up after their husbands and not saying a word or mentioning that they pull most of the weight around the house, but when the husbands actually pick up some dishes they've left behind or do a load of laundry, they remember it for months and remind you whenever you mention that you'd like a little extra help around the house. "Remember that time I did a load of dishes and laundry??" I try to remind mine that yes, he did do a load of laundry last week, and I've done it every other day since then... Yeah, they think they deserve an award for doing it at all. It's best just to not argue about it. I know mine will remember the fact that he did some housework this week and, for some reason, it'll wash out any work he's not going to do for the next few weeks. It's a normal practice, hun, believe me...

I agreed with you up to "It's best just to not argue about it." If you want equal status in the house and to not feel miserable and unappreciated, you should probably speak up when your husband's being an entitled jackass. Being irresponsible isn't a "man thing" that's completely unchangeable. Many of the men who get away with this do so because their wives let them.

SteelCladAngel 0
Mabster84 2

I never, once, said that I didn't casually remind him that I do most of the weight pulling around. It's best not to make an argument out of it because it (as it did after first moving in with him) can become poison in the relationship. Constantly arguing is NOT going to make it better. Holding a grudge about it, yelling, and talking yourself into believing that he can't be talked to about it is just as childish as him throwing a tantrum over not receiving a "thank you" from her.. If you don't stop to talk to him about how you feel, every now and then, you're breaking down the foundation in your relationship and it's part of the reason why there are so many divorces out there.

you should thank him! he could not do it.

stepho14 0

he shouldn't be the only person your Childs diapers :P you should change it for once