The Omen 4

By jensoulstealer - 16/03/2020 20:17

Today, my year and a half old daughter has discovered the joy of temper tantrums. She is now throwing them constantly. Everywhere. Anytime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 465
You deserved it 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A water spray bottle tends to solve that problem. Works on beagles, too! (If not, then point it at your own open mouth after first refilling with vodka....)

Let her see grown-ups be told they can't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. They can be her role models.


A water spray bottle tends to solve that problem. Works on beagles, too! (If not, then point it at your own open mouth after first refilling with vodka....)

What an horrible thing to do! A child is not a dog.

Let her see grown-ups be told they can't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. They can be her role models.

I'm sorry you have to go through this now but it's not easy for your daughter either. Besides, she's a toddler now; what did you expect?

So are you giving into them or ignoring them? If you continually cave in she knows its easy to manipulate you. If you ignore them, or take her to the car when she acts out so other shoppers don't glare at you, she'll learn.

reason #92 why I don't want kids. me and my husband have to deal with my temper tantrums enough, we don't wanna add another into the mix lol

Have you considered an extended time out?

Cambell 4

This reinforced my childfree status. Sorry, OP.

If she's throwing tantrums, it's because she's upset and doesn't have the language skills to tell you what's wrong. Try giving her more warning before changing activities, making sure she has snacks and drinks available, and maybe a nap during the day.