By dragonmirado - 25/01/2012 06:23 - China

Today, my husband bleached his hair so, "our future kids will have blond hair too." I'm already married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 7 699

dragonmirado tells us more.

dragonmirado 12

I thought it was blond for boys and blonde for girls. Like you wouldn't call a brown haired boy a brunette!

Top comments

You'd think that you'd know that he had several screws loose before marrying him. You kind of deserve it, but also FYL


ask him to find the corner in the circle and then run like hell...wait u will have enough time to walk away and he would still be busy.

dragonmirado 12

wow, I didn't exactly expect a debate about Hitler's youth to come up from this post... Cool!

yellowzinnias 20

Is your husband a fan of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, by chance? lol

bizarre_ftw 21

Let him believe it and watch him freak out in the delivery room, or buy him a 9th grade biology book

I love how she called him "this guy" lol that's your husband!!

StromyG2 10

Please don't allow this man to procreate. Please?

jmar411 12

Says the lady who's BLONDE roots are starting to show.