By dragonmirado - 25/01/2012 06:23 - China

Today, my husband bleached his hair so, "our future kids will have blond hair too." I'm already married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 7 699

dragonmirado tells us more.

dragonmirado 12

I thought it was blond for boys and blonde for girls. Like you wouldn't call a brown haired boy a brunette!

Top comments

You'd think that you'd know that he had several screws loose before marrying him. You kind of deserve it, but also FYL


tapleydylan 0

A blonde would at least spell "Blonde" correctly.

Your husband is a genius *cough cough* sarcasm *cough cough*

MyReinvention55 7

Blond is actually blonde and it was apparent that you already married him when you said "my husband".

jimka4418 0

Tell him you want them to have tattoos and and piercings when they are born too! So you don't have to pay for it when they get older.

No kids? It's not too late to dump him.

Lmao sounds like you're already taking care of a kid!

youngmula37 0

haha watta blonde joke! oh wait the dude's not blonde and hes an idiot. thats a first

kyq 0