By LOTRfail - 27/07/2012 02:13 - United States - Malden

Today, my husband and I were watching Lord of the Rings. My husband told me he sees the eye of Sauron every time he goes down on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 311
You deserved it 4 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that1guy1 13

And you should have said you see a tiny hobbit whenever you go down on him.

If he means that your ****** possesses him and makes him do its bidding, then he's absolutely correct.


TheElderTROLLZ 15

Nope, it is locked in a chastity belt.

I'd be concerned too, if certain parts of my anatomy resembled dark lords. It'd explain why he kept turning invisible whilst screwing you.

I see nothing like that when I go down on my bride.

Stoopid_life 2

I'm pretty sure they have creams for that

To which, the only response is to use a Gandalf voice and shout "YOU SHALL NOT PASS! "

To which, the only response is to use a Gandalf voice and shout "YOU SHALL NOT PASS! "

Next time he goes down, tell him "none shall pass!"