By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, my husband and I were looking for a new house. The open house we were in had a strange floral scent to entice the buyers. I am three months pregnant and have horrible morning sickness. I threw up all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 244
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand some other stuff, but how the hell did they deserve this?

Socrates_fml 0


Your life isn't all that bad, seriously...

Congrats on the baby! Hope you didn't have to repay to recarpet the room. And those who are saying you put yourself in this situation or you're an idiot who should've gone to the bathroom have obviously never been either pregnant or violently ill. Sometimes you just CAN'T make it to a trashcan or toilet, no matter how hard you try, and you can't always tell when something is going to trigger a puke-fest. I was really sick this past winter at work, and I thought I had it under control until I smelled l food cooking and ralphed. Didn't make it to the trashcan, either.

not to mention she'd never been in the house so had no clue where the bathroom was. and as for trash cans, they tend to hide those during open houses

lolololcheese 0

pregnant = free pass to life.

How exactly is one supposed to PREPARE for uncontrollable nausea?

@ #54 YES! They should really call it all-day sickness...when I was pregnant, I only got sick when I got home from work and I could smell my husband cooking dinner...around 6 in the evening!!! @ #31 as everyone else said, you are obviously NOT a pregnant woman, or probably not a woman at all, most women know that even though it's call "morning" sickness, it can happen ANY TIME during the day...morning, afternoon, can even happen if you wake up in the middle of the night to pee! @ OP congrats on your definitely sucks that you threw up in their living room...hope you at least liked the house!

YDI! If you have "horrible morning sickness" then you should be better prepared for things that will cause you to be sick. This wasn't a sudden development. Why could you not TRY to get ouside or to the bathroom?! Plan ahead if you are that sick!

ehh. not really an FML. you're pregnant, you can't control that sort of thing. i'm sure the people would have understood, besides. seriously though, when you're pregnant, it gives you a pass for just about ANYTHING. hahah. congrats on da baby :)

#51 - She's buying a house. One traditionally wants to see the house before blowing life savings on it. Just because she threw up doesn't mean she planned to. For all you know, she was running to the bathroom and just couldn't make it there in time. Or perhaps, since it was her first time in the house, she didn't know where it was.

talk about marking territory. haha. good luck with the house. :]

Ah, don't worry about it, they understand. Good luck with the house. :D