By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, my husband and I were looking for a new house. The open house we were in had a strange floral scent to entice the buyers. I am three months pregnant and have horrible morning sickness. I threw up all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 244
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand some other stuff, but how the hell did they deserve this?

Socrates_fml 0


Haha same thing happened to me, but in the perfume section of Macy's. !!

why do people think floral is so wonderful? I ******* hate floral scents, they give me horrible headaches. give me a cinnamon or general baking smell any day of the week.

Klima_fml 29

Not your fault whatsoever, hopefully they cleaned it up for you! :)

gatorgirl7563 22

I finally chose "I agree your life sucks," because nausea is awful, but if you have horrible morning sickness, then maybe you should carry some empty plastic grocery bags in your pocket or purse, just in case. "I agree your life sucks" but you get no sympathy from me about it.