By amorousintx - 26/09/2010 23:58 - United States

Today, my grad student husband was unusually frisky in the middle of the day. I took the opportunity and we had an enjoyable afternoon romp. Afterward, I asked him what had gotten him in such a good mood. He replied, "I'd do just about anything to get out of doing my homework." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 373
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're more fun than homework...

kaijapapaya 0

meh, don't take it personally. instead, have some school teacher role-play sex. he's been pretty naughty for not doing his homework, right? ;)


At least you're more fun than homework...

everything is more fun than homework -_-

MissGrinch 4

D: I disagree! Homework is so much fun! The learning! The difficulty! The moment when I can exclaim, "I have conquered thee!" >:)

MissErikaHart 0

well u had a good romp, no fml here

KingDingALing 9

What the ****? Romp? Hahahahahahahaha

Ooh, OP decided to great creative with her words and use a phrase other than "my husband and I ******." So what? The creative wording is so much more fun to read. :P Sorry if I sound snippy. I guess that's what happens when I comment on FMLs at 5:30 am...

Hayman68 4

hey, if nerds get you hot, youll love me

RedPillSucks 31

@7 we do the same thing with sex The learning! - Today I learned that my girl friend is really kinky The difficulty! - She wanted me to do some Kama Sutra position called "lotus on pole" The moment when I can exclaim, "I have conquered thee!" >:) -- That's what she said! FML.

MissGrinch 4

28, I didn't think of it that way. I feel so uncool. D:

RedPillSucks 31

You're not uncool. You just do waaaay too much homework.

Teacher: Why didn't you do your homework? Husband: Um, I was really busy. Teacher: With what? Husband: Well, I had some Sex Ed. homework, and also some Physical Education homework. Teacher: So? Husband: So, I decided to combine them into one, and practice on my wife.

p3rfect_ins4nity 0
paid2think 0

Daaaammmnnn look at that donut!!

valtraxman69 0

Guess you can say you're better to do than homework. OH YEAH!

iSexxxy 0

He probably didn't know what to say.

my mikshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like mine better than yours damn right its better that yours

kaijapapaya 0

meh, don't take it personally. instead, have some school teacher role-play sex. he's been pretty naughty for not doing his homework, right? ;)

FYLDeep 25

I wonder what he'd do for a Klondike bar...

MissGrinch 4

...after he answers how many licks does it take to get to the center- Never mind.

Arsonnist 3
RedPillSucks 31

Three. The wise owls says it takes three. Maybe he meant "threesome"