By Anonymous - 13/11/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was throwing a birthday party and got very drunk. She needed help getting to the bathroom so I picked her up and walked her to the toilet. Assuming she needed to throw up, she instead takes a huge, monstrous crap right in front of me. I can't look at her the same ever again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 443
You deserved it 8 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not love until you know she poops and you still want to have sex with her.

I swear the last sentence said "I can't look at her ****** the same ever again" [shakes head, blinks eyes several times] Anyway, you're going to hear a lot of crap (haha) about how it's only natural and girls do poop etc etc But really, I understand. Nobody wants to think about their significant other defecating, or anyone at all for that matter, unless they're into that kind of thing. It's a rather awkward situation to stand and watch, especially when it's smelly. Now, this could be a plus though... she is comfortable enough to let you... er, witness that? Obviously it could also be the booze though.


noshitsherlock 0

EWWWWWWWW GROSS!!!! and to everyone who thinks he "can't handle it" - WTF. Normal people do not shit ON THE FLOOR. Good lord..

noshitsherlock 0

oh oops, nevermind - it was really late last night and it was my birthday, so I was exhausted and got confused. I thought that he had the seat up so she could barf, and she shit on the ground instead. IDK I was really tired!

And in the time she spent doing it, you couldn't have turned away so you didn't have to watch?

geez, seriously. I'm glad she found out now and not after you got married what a loser you are. When you're married to someone you see pretty much everything and you can't just say "i'll never look at him/her the same way" just coz you saw them go to the toilet or throw up or something.

well i suppose she hasn't necessarily found out... I'm hoping she does.

youthink_fml 0

Grow the **** up. Guess what? Girls also pee and fart.

Which raises an obvious question..... why did you think it's better to watch her puke than to take a dump? Puking is just as disgusting... if not more disgusting.

Big ******* deal. Your gf took a crap in front of you and now you can't look at her the same ever again? Sad. You're not the only one that poops.

Mx_Rider 6

ohhhh noeeeeeeeezzzzz i witnessed my significant other take a shizz infront of me, oh nooooeeeez even though i analy did her last night, ohh noeeez how will i ever life.. you know your still hitting that hole op ftw nigga

I don't understand half of what you said. English?

Oh boo hoo, girls poop. God, youre a douche.

I think it would be incredibly amusing if everyone on this earth (including me) had to live up to the same standards and levels of perfection we expect from other people. I would bet that most couldn't meet that challenge. We want people who are "honest" and "down to earth" and "keep it real" - so we say. But for people like the OP, that is OBVIOUSLY not true. To maintain an illusion of perfection (especially if you're female) you have to lie. So make up your mind folks - you can't have it both ways. Either we're perfect, or we're human.

I will also never look at her the same way again. Screw this, I can't hold out! (fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap...)