By Single - 04/12/2012 16:17 - United Kingdom - Bath

Today, my girlfriend showed me a print of a Banksy that she'd just bought, telling me it was an original. When I tried to argue that it wasn't, she broke up with me for "implying she was a moron." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 060
You deserved it 2 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, in other news, you are no longer IMPLYING she's a moron, because she proved it to you. Wouldn't she be your ex now?

While I agree that the manner in which they are all going ask about who Banksy is, and the abundance of these same posts, is going to be depressing, I think it's a little harsh to compare them to cave-dwellers lacking education just because they do not yet know who Banksy is. I mean I didn't know who Banksy was until today; I had to look him up on wikipedia. I do agree though that it shows that they don't know how to search for these things which is a few letters and an enter button away, though, which is a bad mind-set to have.


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Yes, lie to your gf that is always the right thing to do. All sarcasm aside OP may want to inform his GF a bit more on this topic.

unknown_user5566 26

1- I wouldn't humor her, because that's setting her up for failure in the future (if she wanted to sell it or something). Instead of just telling her she's wrong, I'd suggest actually taking the time to (politely) prove to her that it's fake. Though I suppose it doesn't matter anyway, since she left him over such a silly argument.

20- It's not fake; it's just not an original. OP said it was a print, which is legitimate, just not worth as much money.

unknown_user5566 26

60- That's what I meant, that she might try to sell it for a much larger amount of money, and then be disappointed when she found out what it was worth. As for my "fake" comment, my apologies. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't real, just that it wasn't authentic.

Want an easy life with woman? Tell then what they want to hear. Problem solved.

Why should he? I think he's better and saved his future children from a poorer gene pool

Well, in other news, you are no longer IMPLYING she's a moron, because she proved it to you. Wouldn't she be your ex now?

There's no way she's not a moron. She broke up with OP over something very stupid.

I almost became a fascist #2, you need to check yourself before I wreck myself.

PhannyPack09 8

British street graffiti artist.

manlaw1 3

Heheh, shame we can't thumb up your comments. Funny stuff

unknown_user5566 26

Silly, silly Alan. If #3 took the time to Google "Banksy", they wouldn't have received a comment spot in the top 5. We all know that's what is the most important, right?

It's all about priorities, Kyleekay ;)

While I agree that the manner in which they are all going ask about who Banksy is, and the abundance of these same posts, is going to be depressing, I think it's a little harsh to compare them to cave-dwellers lacking education just because they do not yet know who Banksy is. I mean I didn't know who Banksy was until today; I had to look him up on wikipedia. I do agree though that it shows that they don't know how to search for these things which is a few letters and an enter button away, though, which is a bad mind-set to have.

I hate the second, third, fourth, etc. person who has to ask. I try not to jump down the throat of the first because I've looked stuff up in the past and google led me very very astray, making me look like an even bigger dumbass for thinking I knew what I was talking about. And technically Alan, asking a question/definition on a public forum is a form of educating themselves, just not the method you'd prefer.

Lol. Life Is ALWAYS better when your naked

24: I'd venture a guess that he was comparing them to cave dwellers because they don't know how to Google. Not because they didn't know who Banksy is.

I get it now, thanks for the clarification. I do agree on that point, though. I don't know how the facilitation of information acquiring has seemed to make learning more of a task for some people. I didn't know commenting on FML in the nude could be so enjoyable. I might have to try it some day, might relax me, you never know.

That made me think of some naked jazz band singing something upbeat, it was pretty humorous, but I don't think the drummer would enjoy the vibrations so much.

unknown_user5566 26

Pleonasm, once you get used to commenting naked, you can upgrade to joining in on perdix's naked Zumba sessions.

Why was I never informed about those? Et tu, Brute? It's probably for the best, anyway, perdix would just drool over my bodacious body, he wouldn't be able to get off my back about it... Sounded less gay in my head.

Tell me this: Banksy is a graffiti artist, right? How does one get a print of graffiti.....

tsent8 15

Holy shit the pleonasm has been doubled?!!!?

No, just my girlfriend, don't worry. But yea she kind of is my body double.

A cave-dweller's best and probably only way of gathering information was to ask other cave-dwellers... So asking stuff here is exactly what cave-dwellers would do.

bitch_pleez 10

Quick question..... How has no one mentioned Exit Through the Gift Shop yet?

unknown_user5566 26

76- It was mentioned 64 comments ahead of yours.

enormouselephant 15

I actually appreciates when someone asks because if someone's nice enough to reply with an answer it saves many a lot of looking up. I also love when people give obvious sarcastic but possibly believable answers to the naive. Either way.

Alan, and all the rest of you, are jerks! I'm usually game for making fun of people, but maybe she just didn't have time to google it, or just doesn't care enough to google it & is just waiting for the inevitable snarky answer. People who assume things are asses. I would tell you this to your face as well, so don't call me a wimp because I'm saying it through a computer screen.


Well if it makes you feel better OP she is dumb as rocks. You can take that as as a consolation prize.

aiden1980 5

You can buy original Banksy prints...

beauty is in the eye of the beholder unfortunately authenticity is not.

mvc3ftw 17

well, now you no longer have an idiot girlfriend. she got points for liking banksy, but she lost them all when she 1. BOUGHT a banksy print 2. clearly has no idea what banksy is or does. you obviously do. so, in conclusion 3. you deserve a better girl.

She was banking on you to believe that it was an original, now that you chequed it and proved that it was false, she bounced. You can't count on people like that; they always withdraw when they don't want to invest anymore.

This would be hilarious if Banksy actually had something to do with banks..

I know that, but I couldn't resist. Truth be told, a bell has tolled Inside my head; the puns unfold, and possess me to write That which I cannot withhold

I understand.. It's like they possess you and you have to set them free.

When you break up with her, EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP, and keep going.

I can't be the only one who has no idea what a banksy is.

You aren't. But it seems that although you say that you can't be the only one, you didn't check to make sure. Alan addressed someone else who had no idea, suggesting they use google. It's a good idea, you learn pretty quick what Banksy is.