By Lovenem - 16/02/2011 17:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend said "It's funny how every time we have sex I'm wearing these panties." We've been having sex every day for the last six days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 339
You deserved it 7 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe they are her favourite knickers. She probably just handwashes them and wears them again?

goldfish78 11

she was pertaining to you! you need to change your brief everyday!

sammyfon7 0

maybe she does her panty laundry everyday

Why did everyone assume that she didn't wash them? She could have just cleaned them overnight and them worn them the next day.

Jim717 1

that's just gross. tell her to shower for crying out loud.

vfs_fml 0

EWWWW!! I'm surprised she doesn't have a blue waffle yet... or does she?:O /: ewe. tell her to clean her pussy! nd change/buy a new pair of underwear! maybe a few new panties!

1oscar 0

it's her favorite one! or she bought them in a six-pack!!!

wow. that must be one stinky box. you can't smell that rotten beef? do you get cottage cheese on your penis?

rebekahmarie 0

Actually the black plague didn't originate in the rats.. they only spread it