By notgoodenough38 - 27/12/2009 22:34 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me for my sister. I can't stop thinking about all those days they went out alone for "girl time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 636
You deserved it 3 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

I love my "girl time" ;) haha but seriously that sucks :/ nothing you could have done short of a sex change though


Hahaha, they probably we're all like "we're going out to grab a quick munch" or "We're going to go do an activity like fur trading" or "I'm going to use a strap on on your sister!"

shrdlu 28

Similar thing happened to me in HS except my gf didn't leave me for my sister, just for "a friend" and women in general. I agree with #43 - it's not like she left you because of anything you did or didn't do, or because you are or aren't a jock - it's not your fault at all. I know it still hurts like hell tho -- especially as in this case you'll probably keep running into her. FYL

hey thats awesome maybe u can get a threesome out of it

haha that sucks for you. haha. but I love bisexuals. hahaha. :)

volleyballie32 0

oh, im sorry about that. your ex might have used you just to get close to your sister. if she does, i can kinda understand because i am a lesbian myself. I know it sucks of how things is going, but do you want your sister and ur ex to be happy? ask this to yourself, do you want a girl to keep dating you to make u happy but she is unhappy the whole time? dont worry, you'll find another girl. to be honest with you, i am going thru the similiar situtation. my ex gf left me because she wants to date her coworker. and her coworker is an old man about in his late 40's and hes ugly. my ex said that she would never date or have sex with him. but she lied. it sucks. FML.

quarty165 0

ok what?! i don't care about your sexual orientation, but don't tell him to think about their happiness like what the ex did is some noble thing or even something excusable because of sexual orientation. Using people to get to their siblings or friends or anyone is not ok. end of story.

yuck101 0

What the hell are you talking about? His girlfriend dumped him for his sibling and his sibling accepted it. Both of those girls are total bitches and you would be too if you did anything like it. He shouldn't hope they're happy, he should hope they both get hit by a bus. It pisses me off when ppl use their bisexuality as an excuse to do horrible, immoral things..