By joeshmoe - 15/01/2012 12:52 - United States

Today, my girlfriend hummed the Jeopardy theme while I was trying to undo her bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 334
You deserved it 25 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

weepingangel_fml 7

At least you got a girl with a sense of humor?

MikeMikeTheAzn 3

Yeah, undoing bras are hard bro :(


hateevryone 14
kshafer08 7
RedPillSucks 31
TheVirtuoso 5

Survey says: You're not getting laid. Oh...wrong game show. Alex Trebek would be dissipointed.

I remember learning how to undo my girlfriends bra... got to the point I could do it one-handed

Use middle finger and thumb to squeeze and create slack. Use pointer finger to stabilize clasp. Slowly slide middle finger and thumb towards each other in a pinching motion. Clasp will release. With practice she won't even know you did it and want to know how. Do not tell her. NOTE: do not pinch female. NOTE NOTE: front clasp bras may require additional training.

Guess you need more practice to gain some skills!

I do that sometimes but I agree f**k your life:)

Nice girl u got there, but you might want to speed it up a little.

umm it only takes 2 seconds and 2 fingers to do that but then again I'm a pro