By Anonyme - 18/06/2011 01:25 - Switzerland

Today, my girlfriend bought several packs of bottled water, even though we have pure mountain water on tap. She did this because the pile-up of unwashed dishes in the sink makes it virtually impossible to slide a glass under the tap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 451
You deserved it 46 682

Same thing different taste


lyndz_20 8

uhm maybe you two should try that thing called washing dishes?

athena3100 9
wasabiinurvagina 0

well then do the dishes for her.

CaptainAwesome2 0

Bitch needs to get back to the kitchen and do the motherfiretrucking dishes.

SparkleShotsxo 0

Girl needs to get back into the kitchen where she belongs.

textwork 4

do the damn dishes and quit bitching

oh my god! just do the damn dishes. lazy ass.

Dishes aren't just for women, y'know. Do them yourself.

yuck you scums do the dishes... your gf sounds dirty and lazy :p