By conductingfromthegrave - 01/07/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were making out, and about to have sex, when she asked me to "do that thing we did yesterday". We haven't had sex in 6 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 392
You deserved it 4 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she probably just meant "last time" and said yesterday. nbd

U shoulda said "ok" and started jerkin off. Then ask her what SHE did yesterday.


six days F YOUR life geez your life is so over

It is possible that she simply mis-spoke and meant to say "last time" instead. It is entirely possible, I know I do it all the time. But I would have to say the real problem at hand here is why did you take the time to post this on FML instead of asking her what she meant? I would assume that you did anyway and got your answer at that very moment (if you didnt, then you're retarded/living in denial), so the real question is, what are the details man? WAS she cheating on you? If so, then yes, definitely FYL. If not, and she really did just mis-speak, then how is this a FML?

Maybe she wasn't even talking about sex. Maybe she was talking about the way you kissed her yesterday or something.

Since when did realisitc FMLs occur frequently, sometimes the obvious aftermath needs to be omited in order to make a short sweet FML. I love how people cry at incomplete ones but they troll the living daylights out of ones posted by bots.

bzlnv8 0

And I quote The 40 Year Old Virgin: " Ho for sho."

first of all, why is everyone so mad that the first person said "FIRST" it's not a huge deal, half of the people who were mad would do the same thing! second the girlfriend probably meant to say "last time" people mix up words, unless she was drunk then i'd dump her for cheating

treli1593 0

Welll..... this could mean one of three things. 1.) She's giving you a hint that she's not in the mood. 2.) She's cheating on you. 3.) She meant 'last time' instead of 'yesterday'. FYL

I accidently say things like that all the time... It's not a big deal, she probably ment the last time y'all did. Your an ass for jumping to a conclusion simply because she misworded a sentence which would be easy to do in the heat of things. YDI for being a accusitive jumpy prick