By DumbFace714 - 14/02/2015 01:43 - United States - Santa Ana

Today, my friend told me she wanted to get pregnant. I thought that was good news, but then she said she wanted my boyfriend to be the father of her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 862
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Many people would find this statement concerning. Might want to reconsider this friendship. And keep her far away from your boyfriend.


sounds like she wants more than just a rug rat.

least she had the balls to say it to your face.

as long as your boyfriend is not ready to be won't affect you...

ouijacorn 9

Is she actually insane? Who thinks shit like that, let alone says it out loud?

1D_girl99 14

I hope you slapped her then told her to stay away from you and your boyfriend

Your friend may be saying shes already pregnant by your boyfriend. Asking to use him as a sperm doner might be a cover up attempt. Just saying.

AirBusDriver 23

Ex wife's sister asked for the exact same thing, some women just want what they want. I stayed completely out of it. Drama is not my thing. Hope your BF avoids that situation as well OP. Good luck.

Not a good friend to have. Ditch her. Anyone that doesn't respect your relationship has no business in your life