By Oy Vay - 14/11/2016 06:09 - United States - Sparkill

Today, my daughter, whom I consigned a credit card for, told me she was in a bit of financial trouble. It turns out that she was trying to pay off her credit card with the same credit card her bill was for, and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 899
You deserved it 1 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I want to vote FYL because that's a pretty big facepalm moment. But I also want to vote YDI because you helped her get a credit card without bothering to teach her how they work.

dietcoke09 25

My parents learned from my older siblings never to co-sign anything again for them. I have to say that I'm glad she was *trying* to pay it back. It's a mistake. She'll learn.


How old is your daughter? Because that's a bit concerning. And I don't think I would let anyone who has little to no knowledge use my credit card OP. You'll receive bad credit if debt is not paid off. :/

sounds like she shouldn't be the one doing the shopping. Or even using a credit card because then you physical don't see how fast cash is leaving your account

gobiteme2 34

If she's old enough to get a credit card with a cosigner, she must have skipped a few grades where they taught reading and math.

dietcoke09 25

My parents learned from my older siblings never to co-sign anything again for them. I have to say that I'm glad she was *trying* to pay it back. It's a mistake. She'll learn.

I want to vote FYL because that's a pretty big facepalm moment. But I also want to vote YDI because you helped her get a credit card without bothering to teach her how they work.

I work at a financial institution. People make this mistake all the time! Mistake meaning they put in the account number as the payment account too. Then call us asking why we charged their card the same day it was paid lol. Or submit payments with the paying account number in both spots. Goes both ways. All ages too.

The only way I see this happening is if people don't read anything before putting in the numbers. Otherwise it seems impossible to not understand that it should never be the same number in both fields.

Time to take back the credit card. The only te people should be allowed to use a credit card is when they understand how it works. Also, they should be in a position to pay off their credit ideally in the no interest period. A lot of people have fallen into a debt hole they dug up with their credit cards. It is so sad because it is so avoidable.

You need to co-sign another card for her so she can learn about revolving credit.

Co signing is such a huge gamble. At least she told you, I hope you were able to get it fixed without too much trouble

xbaconator9000x 16

"You Deserved it" because you, as her parent, should have taught her better.