By Dump Tump - 29/03/2019 22:00

Today, my flute broke. I have an exam coming tomorrow and all repair shops are closed. I guess I’ll have to lose £150. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 773
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there no way to borrow one for the exam?

manb91uk 22

I'm guessing this won't become a good Band Camp story...


Is there no way to borrow one for the exam?

manb91uk 22

I'm guessing this won't become a good Band Camp story...

manb91uk 22

I'm guessing this won't become a good Band Camp story...

Pull an all-nighter practicing your whistling and insist on being examined from behind a screen. You can do it!!!

If you play the professor’s skin flute, I bet you’ll pass...