By Sonic - 29/03/2019 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boss left a lovely invitation to her wedding on my desk. I plan on resigning during our meeting later today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 963
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

Not sure why this is an FML. Do you forsee your boss taking the news badly? if so, RSVP with a "not going." If not, and you are friendly with your boss, you could still go. Or, resign, then see how things go before deciding. This really isn't an FML.

That doesn’t even make any sense usually wedding invitations go out well in advance what if he has already excepted another job If he’s not gonna be in the office and declines the wedding invitation there’s no awkwardness


bluhbluhbluh 14

I'd resign after the wedding to avoid as much awkwardness as possible.

That doesn’t even make any sense usually wedding invitations go out well in advance what if he has already excepted another job If he’s not gonna be in the office and declines the wedding invitation there’s no awkwardness

In that case you can get super-drunk at her wedding and not have to worry if your outrageous behavior will get you fired.

TxKitten79 10

Not sure why this is an FML. Do you forsee your boss taking the news badly? if so, RSVP with a "not going." If not, and you are friendly with your boss, you could still go. Or, resign, then see how things go before deciding. This really isn't an FML.