By Anonymous - 11/09/2011 04:19 - United States

Today, my father in law drunkenly announced at dinner that he wished my husband had married my best friend. No one stuck up for me. Not even my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 454
You deserved it 3 384

Same thing different taste


you mean ex husband, ex-father-in-law and ex-best-friend? **** that drama! Being drunk is no excuse to be a raging dick.

@69: no shit sherlock that's what i was implying since guys like to bitch about girls being bitches when they're PMS'ing. where do u think i got my idea from when i made my comment in the first place? i figure an asshole like you would point the obvious out. i didn't think i would have to spell out the whole double standards with this one *rolls eyes*

ShadowLor 19

Because, as we all know, being drunk is a naturally occurring phenomenon and completely related to PMS in every way.

muhilrashid 4

Maybe you deserved it ? Uh idk

RoxxyHustle 7

ummmmm did YOU stick up for you?

fatima_hammad 0

daym if your husband really loved you he would have said something I think you should file for a divorce

Prankster7o7 5

Drunk man speaks a sober man's mind!

I'm guessing your husband had to ride the unicycle that night.