By Weirdo - 06/12/2011 22:20 - United States

Today, my family took me to a steak house. I went for an eight minute bathroom break, coming back to an empty table. They ordered dessert, and left me the bill. I'm a vegetarian, and it's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 961
You deserved it 4 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments


rudegirlmania 10

...An eight minute bathroom break???

IphonFML 6

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Yeah I find it kind of weird that OP was so specific about it, too...

enonymous 8

Kind of like a 3 hour tour for Gillian. I assume it was planned for 8 minutes but turned into a 'holy god what tofurkey did I eat last night' ass explosion

alaskanhybrid 5

Be thankful its not April Fools yet.

blacksswan 10

How is 8 minutes too long for a bathroom break? I am pretty sure it takes more than eight minutes to walk to the bathroom, close the door, put a sheet on the toilet, take your pants down, sit down, do your stuff, wipe, stand up, zip up, flush, unlock the door, all over the sink, wash your hands, check yourself out in the mirror, throw away napkin you used to dry your hands, walk back out and all the way to your table.

UrLyfSuxx 0
XenaWP 6

The bathroom break isn't the problem- it's the stupid vegetarianism. -sigh- do people realize that every time they take a drink of milk they are supporting killing bobby calves? Unless you swear off all food derived from animals, you're an idiot. Even then, good luck surviving healthily with no animal content in your diet- we don't have a herbivorous gut to handle a diet like that.

43, cows make a lot of milk. See, they will produce for their calf, so if you steadily take more and more from a nursing cow, she will steadily produce more and more for her calf. People, horses, cows, dogs, cats, and virtually every other animal does it too. That doesn't always mean that the person that owns the cows will do it this way, sometimes the calf becomes veal, but essentially they want the baby so it can grow to be a dairy cow or "other" as well. Learn some anatomy.

Actually many dairy cows are milked to death. Keeping up with the high demand for milk wears them out. If you are vegetarian because of animal cruelty or something, you should probably look to soy, rice, or almond milk.

Maybe if you were more calm about it, 43, people would read your opinion. You sound like an stupid, ignorant troll in your comment, and I think you are just that.

50, eventually, yes, but if you drink store bought milk you can expect the animal has been mistreated since the price is so low, but a calf doesn't die every time a cow is milked. Find a local dairy farm, fresh milk is better for you anyway.

bobbycorwen 5

I don't want people killing bobby calves!

43 - you can survive fine on a vegan diet. You just need to be aware of getting the right nutrients by eating a variety of plants.

jayyw5 3

Pretty sure most of those things that are done in the bathroom take seconds, not minutes. I don't know about you but I don't take my sweet ass time in the bathroom; I just want to get the **** out.

43- A Bobby calve sounds like a vicious predator. I'm glad I'm supporting its death. *sips a glass of Bobby milk*

Im2Handsom 1

What the hell? What a bunch stinky toe nails.

CadillacPimpen 6

That's why you take a dump at your house before you go out..

That just really sucks. But 8 minutes is awhile. But still they shouldn't have done that.

lakaiskate 12

Not if you are taking a dump bro those things take time.

mspoutylips 8
jpoole 4

Sounds like you destroyed the bathroom, kinda hard to do as a vegetarian...

Wow your family sucks...but uh, happy birthday!

kaykay20 0

They could have settled for olive garden at least but they probably would have dipped out on you either way. Fyl for them acting like inconsiderate douches on your birthday.