By Jack - 08/07/2011 15:10 - United States

Today, my family got together to read my grandpa's will. He gave all of his grandkids $400 each. Except me. It seems he thought I'd see the funny side in being bequeathed a blow-up sex doll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 714
You deserved it 5 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would actually be happy that he gave you something personal.

LOL You may think it sucks, but at least grandpa had a sense of humor. Sure it may seem like it sucks, but really, I think its hilarious. Let the negative votes reign supreme, as I know its coming. But unlike others, I like having a sense of humor and having fun in life, and wait till I die and see what I left for my kids when they read my will(which my wife thinks is hilarious)


think the good side the 400$ u use it an it's gone but the doll you can keep it forever hopefully :/ ;P

allenye818 2

money comes and goes but blow up dolls last forever... or until you pop them

allenye818 2

it's the internet, look it up??

my point to this question was, use regular human being words that everyone can understand without having to look it up

107 yes he knows from experience. Clearly you haven't been on FML long enough to know who boners is and what he likes and what he does AND what he says. Yeah he is a sex god, that is why everyone loves boners.

Memories...lots of weird, weird memories....

ritsuka415 6

now you'll never be lonely ;P

$400 would've been blown on nothing, very quickly. Whaf he did instead was actually pretty funny and will be a great memory of him! Kudos to your grandpa for having a sense of humour!!!

I forgot to say, Sorry about your loss...grandpas are amazing to have around & I miss mine everyday.

No. 120, not every grandfather is 'amazing,' FYI. When mine wasn't insulting me or tormenting me, he was barking orders at me as if I were a servant. He didn't even use my name. "Girl, get me a fork!" is an example of something he would snap at me. If I didn't drop what I was doing and RUN to obey his order, I'd get "Girl, I don't care what you are doing, I WANT A FORK!" I dropped telephones with people mid-sentence, left ringing doorbells unanswered, and one time left food in the oven to burn because this assfuck wanted some menial service and he wanted it RIGHT NOW and it had to be from me. No one else was low enough to have to serve him. His other grandchildren would all be sitting around doing nothing while I had to get him whatever shit he wanted AND do what I was doing while literally every other relative I had screamed at me, "YOUR GRANDFATHER WANTS A FORK!" or whatnot but none of them would ever condescend to get off their asses and get that bastard a fork or, God forbid, the bastard get his own ******* fork. I was his first grandchild and he had full use of his faculties until his dying day so he knew my name. He did not use it by choice. For the stupid people here who cannot read between the lines, this is tacitly saying "I like everyone else but I do not like you" without uttering the actual sentence, "I like everyone else but I do not like you." So in restrospect, I amend my first statement because my grandfather was amazing; an amazing asshole.

When he finally died all I could think was, "Thank God that bastard is dead." I had to make an appearance at his funeral, where I got to hear from everyone else all about what a wonderful man he was and how devastated I must be to lose him, so apparently he was a real prince to everyone but me.

ImTotallyAsian 0