By tortured - 27/11/2013 03:11 - United States

Today, my coworkers were bored. To solve this, they taped me to a chair and tried tickling me to death. My boss joined in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 248
You deserved it 4 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you live on the adult version of sesame street.


You sound like a whiny bitch. Your job partakes in tickle fights while other people have nazis for bosses and hate their jobs.

Can kindof see 1's point. Imagine the lawsuites that would fly if OP were a female. It depends on the relationship you guys have as coworkers. If my coworkers laid a finger on me I'd sue, but I'm not very close with them and our relationship is defined as strictly professional. If you guys are a bit closer.... then maybe this sort of thing is acceptable, and maybe it's one of the drawbacks you should put up with that comes with being friends with your coworkers. Prank them back harder, or define this as a line by saying you don't want them to touch you.

That actually sounds fun, it's probably just me.

bfsd42 20

81, where in this thread did anyone say to laugh it off?

pwnman 33

As someone who absolutely HATES being tickled by anyone for any reason, this really made me cringe. What they did was a form of bullying and/or harassment. Report them to your boss's superior or HR.

can't have been that bad, bet you were laughing and all

Your boss sounds cool compared to many ass!@?/- people have written about here.

Lmao I'm sorry but I don't really see the problem here