By Foreveralone - 09/04/2012 05:07 - United States

Today, my coworker was talking to me about how there's always that one person in a group of friends that everyone secretly dislikes and laughs at. I realized that person is me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 016
You deserved it 2 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww doesn't that suck? I always wonder if I'm that one...It's not a good feeling


Really? There isn't anyone in my group of friends that I secretly dislike... Oh...

perdix 29

Now, the pressure is on! You have to do ridiculous things for your "friends" to keep you around. Once you get boring, they'll ditch you altogether. Dance, clown, dance!

BunBunBabe 8

Maybe you're the one everyone is secretly jealous of and that why they all try to make fun of you

I can relate. All my "friends" have a private group on Facebook and they talk shit on me. I found it last week.

Casalenuovo 0
iloveweed69 7
silentblack 0

Lol Dane Cook said that too

PaperCandles 0

Dane Cook would appreciate this

Happens to me too. There isn't even a reason why, you could be the same as them but if one person doesn't like someone the others follow :/