By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 18:39 - United States

Today, my company filed for bankruptcy, but the reorganize kind where it still functions. There are no funds to give out paychecks any time soon. They won't fire me. If I voluntarily quit, I cannot file for unemployment. I'm now an unpaid intern. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 006
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, that is illegal (at least in my state). By law they are required to pay you, by the conditions outlined by your employment, for the work you have done for a week by the following Friday, if they can't pay you they have to terminate you.

You best start stealing as much crap as you can then, remember all the money is in Forks, no one wants spoons nowadays.


zendaddy0 0

do a crappy job smash stuff kick some ass

Hope you went into work and didnt do anything...

okay well quit and find a company that will pay you. durr

This is what I'll do if I was in that boat, I'll start looking for another job but I wouldn't quit till I found another job, easier to find work when you have work, plus they might pay you when they can but the CEO can give up some of his money too.

Try to work for your biggest competition. They'll have no choice but to fire you.

martin8337 35

Just don't do any thing they tell you to do until they fire you.

That's a bad situation to be in Op. I hope everything works out for you. And maybe when things get fixed you'll get a bonus for sticking with the company!