By Mouse - 17/10/2012 23:15

Today, my college class was talking about Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from the edge of space down to earth. A boy suddenly put his head up and said in a serious tone, "I thought he jumped from the moon?" Several girls concurred. This is my generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 517
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mowmowlife 21

It seems they don't understand the gravity of the situation.

flockz 19

if that was the case, screw jumping back to Earth. i don't want to live on this planet anymore anyway.


tne201992 12

OP, this is truly sad! This is reminds me of time, during U.S history my junior year. We were discussing about the roaring 1920's, my teacher brought up facts about that decade. A girl asked, "That was during time of Pearl Harbor right?" That really ruined my day..

Things are really looking up for us; I have high hopes for our future.

No, 15 is right. You misquoted Armstrong. His exact words were "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." You quoted the first part correctly but not the second. Look it up if you think I'm wrong. I thought you were wrong but looked it up to be sure and I was right.

zingline89 18

Thank you 42, I was just about to post what you said, almost word for word.

It's "one giant leap" - if you're going to correct people who corrected you, look it up. You can even hear it on the audio recordings.

Sorry - took me ages to type and look it up on my phone (it's rather slow). So, sorry for the double correction :(

They didn't know it wasn't from the moon but was from mars? Jeez.. They need to listen to TMZ more regularly!

Have you ever thought that maybe they just happened to not be familiar with that particular news? For all you know they could be smarter than you in alot of other ways. The sad thing about our generation is people like you who are constantly judging. Plus this is your own generation youre talking about, and incase you forgot you are a part of it, unless you feel like you are somehow superior compared to everyone else -_-

tne201992 12

Well I mean come in your generations is filled with Swag! That's pretty sad, when I'm old and hopefully retired, these swags will be taking care of me! :o

CharresBarkrey 15

This has nothing to do with keeping up with the news. They're stupid for believing someone could actually jump from the moon to Earth.

This is where I wish there was a button stating " I agree, the world is doomed"....

perdix 29

They are confused, the cow did that after it got diddled by a violin-toting cat.