It's love

By Anonymous - 12/06/2021 01:01 - United States

Today, I realized my cat has a foot fetish. She keeps randomly flopping over on my feet while I'm walking, and will lick my toes if I am barefooted. I have absolutely no idea where this came from, but it makes me super uncomfortable. Even my other cat looks at her like she's gone insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 791
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

your cat DOES NOT have a foot fetish. your cat is showing that you are her human, in the easiest way she can. one of my cats likes to bite my hand(nips, not hard), another likes to sleep in between me and my fiancee. they both head boop our closed hands. she is simply putting her scent on you, and cleaning you because she thinks you are "her kitten/family member". enjoy this bond.

As a cat dad I can assure you, that your cat is trying to say he or she loves you. People think cats don't care about their owners, but the opposite is true. My cat Cookie rarely leaves my side. She always wants to be near me. When I sleep she sleeps next to my shoulder.


Jon Tessler 14

your cat DOES NOT have a foot fetish. your cat is showing that you are her human, in the easiest way she can. one of my cats likes to bite my hand(nips, not hard), another likes to sleep in between me and my fiancee. they both head boop our closed hands. she is simply putting her scent on you, and cleaning you because she thinks you are "her kitten/family member". enjoy this bond.

Ambrily 27

Stop humanizing animals and talk to a vet or an expert who can help you better understand their language. She is showing you affection, not lust.

cherryDcola 12

cats can be really affectionate creatures honestly i wish my cat bit my toes instead of my nose while im sleeping. it has something to do with scent they are trying to rub so others know youre theirs lol

As a cat dad I can assure you, that your cat is trying to say he or she loves you. People think cats don't care about their owners, but the opposite is true. My cat Cookie rarely leaves my side. She always wants to be near me. When I sleep she sleeps next to my shoulder.

My cat also flops on my feet sometimes. That's normal cat affection.