By EpicFail - 17/01/2009 15:49 - United States

Today, in class, I volunteered to read a poem out loud. I accidentally said "circumcised" instead of "circumscribed". I don't think I"ll be volunteering to read anything more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 097
You deserved it 4 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tupperware_fml 0

Thats ******* awesome. volunteer all the time! you can be the guy that ***** up every word, like annual to anal, pencil to penis, and be like, sorry im tongue tied.


its ok. in sixth grade i pronounced organism as ****** not on purpose

BBkid 0

That's 100% your fault unless it was a long poem. cus I know how that goes

Jessaly_fml 0

Poetry is a risky thing to read out loud in general, unless you're with intelligent people I really don't recommend it.

Tupperware_fml 0

Thats ******* awesome. volunteer all the time! you can be the guy that ***** up every word, like annual to anal, pencil to penis, and be like, sorry im tongue tied.

i once screamed shut up in a reading paper....

w_h_a_l_e 0

BOOOOOO, i just wasted 30 seconds of my life writing this comment to your shitty post. Grow up!

If it took you 30 seconds you probably have a problem

OMG the worlds gunna end cus u pronnouced a word wrong -.-