By awesome - 05/01/2012 17:13 - United States

Today, my Christmas tree was finally shipped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 693
You deserved it 4 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We're reading the calendar upside-down, it ends in 5015.


Santa was to busy eating the cookies then delivering your tree

supercrack11 1

Ethiopian Christmas is on Saturday the 7th i think "merry Christmas";)

See and did it hurt you to not have a tree? We never have one. It's over rated and a gimmic to make you think you need one. I'm so glad I dont put a tree up.

ShAdow7mcNugGet 7

why didn't you got to a christmas tree lot?

Aw well at least you are ready for next christmas! Or heck, put it up now and decorate it for all the other holidays. :)

SamLiveFree_77 9

46- And who is this "guy" if I may ask?

iqrashakoorx 0

Save it for next year then you'll have it on time

N3766 20

Aha that sucks, that happen to me with a gift for my brother just arrived on Tuesday