By Anonymous - 03/07/2019 20:02

Today, my brother has two broken arms and needs help wiping his own ass. Bonus, he has bad diarrhoea from the food poisoning he got from the shrimp he made me hand-feed him yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 942
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There isn't anything you could give me that would make me wipe my brother's ass.

Mungolikecandy 19

Get a hose and hose him down. It will be far cleaner than wiping.


Not really a “bonus” since you’ll be wiping his ass more often now. And I’m sure you need to pull down/up his pants too.

Just put him in a kilt. No pants to pull down, plus it's way faster for him to sit on the toilet when the urge comes.

Mungolikecandy 19

Get a hose and hose him down. It will be far cleaner than wiping.

There isn't anything you could give me that would make me wipe my brother's ass.

waffles42088 12

That’s a pretty crappy situation. But when it come to being the best sibling you are the shit.

Nhayaa 21

Could be a good timing to invest in these hightech japanese toilets with a cleaning system...

Hand feed you say? Maybe the bacteria came from your hands and not from the shrimp.. full circle

queenpowow 2

Get him a bidet toilet seat