By _kristaaxo - 21/11/2016 09:24 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, my boyfriend turned out to be a moron. Although he loves anal porn, he says gay sex is revolting. His reasoning? Because guys poop out of their buttholes. Apparently women don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 376
You deserved it 1 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haven't you heard? Women don't have bodily functions. We aren't physically capable of being gross or imperfect.

Ignorance really is bliss. I had a male friend who truly believed that women only peed and didn't poop because "that's gross and girls can't be gross." Sorry about your moronic boyfriend!


Haven't you heard? Women don't have bodily functions. We aren't physically capable of being gross or imperfect.

God I wish we couldn't be gross. Lol easier for me.

Unlucky1232 20

just... how? How do these people even function? Do they also think woman don't pee?

Someone didn't do well in biology class.

Ignorance really is bliss. I had a male friend who truly believed that women only peed and didn't poop because "that's gross and girls can't be gross." Sorry about your moronic boyfriend!

A lot of you are taking this so seriously. This is one of the oldest jokes ever "girls don't poop" and you're getting trolled. If you think he's the stupid one, you should feel even dumber now.

Thank you, 9, for being an example of how dumb someone should be.

Ah yes, your ignorance of a joke that's like a decade old makes me the dumb one. No, that's myopic and nonsensical. You can't even differentiate someone pretending to be stupid and someone who's actually stupid. Girls don't poop is an old saying that guys do, like the women are from Venus thing. You actually thinking he's serious makes you a (sheltered) ignoramus. Clearly there's at least 16 people who are offended that they were called stupid for being gullible (i.e. stupid)

Lemme sum it up: We'll assign two roles, the prankster and the fool (the "prank-ee") Prankster: Girls don't poop (joke) Fool: YOU'RE WRONG AND STUPID (takes very seriously) The prankster is smarter than the fool in this case, that's for sure. Everyone is just looking for reasons to get triggered.

In other words, you're pissy because no one here thinks you're funny.

You should try comprehension, it's a great skill, not that you'd know anything about it, as evidenced by your complete lack of understanding. If you look up you might see the point hurtling into the stratosphere far over your shoulders followed by a "whoosh" I'll sum it up. OP thought someone is a moron. OP is actually the moron for thinking he's serious when this is like an ancient joke.

How cute, you know how to use imagery. I bet you're proud of thinking it up so fast. Not that, from what I see, thinking quick is your strong suit. I'm bored of this already; I'd suggest you go to a biker's bar if you need someone to hand your ass to you THAT badly.

Girls aren't weird about it they just say hey I'm going to the bathroom. Guys will be like hold on I need to take a sh*t brb.

As a girl, all my close friends have told me that theyre about to go for a shit

lol can't be gross. That's rich aha. Seriously my friend is almost a guy she belches, farts, and talks about shit constantly.

Pfft, gay sex isn't even limited to anal. You should introduce him to oral, intercrural, and frottage! Broaden your boyfriend's pornographic horizon!

CrassKal 27

I am curious as to what those last two are but I genuinely don't want to google them.

ChiefKoala 30

I got your back bud. Intercrural is a type of non-penetrative sex, in which a male places the penis between the receiving partner's thighs (often with lubrication), and thrusts to create friction. Frottage is the general term for the act of rubbing any part of the body, including the buttocks, the breasts, abdomen, thighs, feet, hands, legs and sexual organs against the sexual organ of another person. *The more you know theme plays in the background.*

Edit: ChiefKoala beat me to it. Continue reading if you enjoy redundancy. Inter(between)crural(legs/thighs) – **** thrusted between thighs, so it works for folks with vaginas and penises. Frottage(also a term for art generated by rubbing material over a texture with paper between to transfer the texture. E.g. "leaf rubbings") – cocks rubbed together, gripped by one or both parties' hands.

Well, I've learned quite a bit from this thread, I must say.

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#26, I'm not a fan of intercrural or frottage either, but that doesn't mean they're bad enough to warrant "brain bleach". And please don't compare two consenting adults rubbing on each other to the act of ******* a dead animal. I'd say they're not even in the same ballpark, but really they're not even on the same planet.

i use brain bleach with frequency, it is the internet after all, as for my comment...well, perhaps i could've went a different route. Than again, i could've said septophilia or coprophilia:)

I'm sorry the education system failed your boyfriend so much.

Luckily we have natural selection, eh?

Wait, you mean, he's wrong? ... So, it's *not* supposed to come out of my belly button???

Your comment legitimately made me laugh.

It alarms me how ignorant men can be of women's bodies and how they work.

21: Then you'd also be surprised at how ignorant some women can be of their own bodies as well.

So many women don't know that they pee out of a third hole.

Yeah, and in the U.S., a lot of them are making laws regulating our reproductive systems!