By Username - 25/05/2011 16:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me I looked pretty. I said, "Aww, that's the first time you've said that to me." He replied, "Well, it's the first time you've looked pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 404
You deserved it 9 597

Same thing different taste


grizzly260 0

Dump that trash in a ditch with a 22 hole in the lid. Guy like that give guys in general a bad name.

that's why us girls take so long to get ready, we have to look good for the guys

samicna 4
barbiiee_fml 0

fix yourself ! Duh. problem solved. at least he is being honest & hasn't left you at your worst.

And why is he still your boyfriend? He clearly doesnt think much of you. Dump his ass

CheapGodiva 0

You deserve it because he still is your boyfriend. Likely just using you for the free sex you so willingly give him .

tbrizzy 0

tell him his not prince charming his self