By Anonymous - 27/12/2014 16:54 - Canada - Delta

Today, my boyfriend sent me a screenshot of his phone's contact list, to show me the adorable photo of us he'd set as my contact image. I guess he didn't realize that a contact called "Side Babe" was just barely in the screenshot too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 719
You deserved it 2 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. You don't understand. That's just the contact name for his butcher that he buys bacon from. He calls him that because he sells him "a side of Babe."

That sucks OP. hope you find a man you can trust someday and isn't a moron.


Wasn't thoi already published but in different words?

Dump him not only because he is cheating but what kind of idiot names his side chicks contact that way?? Not that I condone cheating but that is just a moron right there.

He's got a lot of explaining to do. You deserve better than him anyways.

Hopefully it's just a stupid nickname for his best friend but I'd definitely ask who side babe is and even let her know she's called side babe if it is a female. I know I have nicknames for people in my phone.

that will just give op's boyfriend the opportunity to dump op, the boyfriend screwed up.. he needs to be dumped! not vice versa.

Either way they break up, which is essentially the point. If he dumps OP, OP doesn't have to do the work.,

Oh for the love of god.. This is in canada?! And in MY PROVINCE?!. Sorry for the people who thinks everyone in Canada is super nice, we have the occasional retard every now and then -_-. Leave him, OP. You deserve way better

You deserve better than him, OP. Hope you find love from someone who deserves you.