By queenlatifa101bebe - 10/12/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend left me for my neighbor. Her name is Hope. She'd better "hope" I don't take a dump in her yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 391
You deserved it 16 484

Same thing different taste


dancingdoggy 4

Shouldn't you be more angry at your ex than Hope? He's the one that left you... all Hope did was exist.

I don't get why more people don't blame their exes then the exes new ones. Even if this girl was aggressive with getting his attention, it was ultimately his decision. Move on and realize he's not worth the energy. I know you are probably just venting and that's fine but try to direct the anger where it goes.

workoutfreak 4

There's no hoping I'd do it.. Seriously I have before :)

You pooped in your exboyfriends new lover's yard?

Krista835 5

Unless she was very aggressive about getting your boyfriend, wouldn't you want to get back at him instead for leaving you? Or maybe just be mature about it and realize it wasn't meant to happen and move on.

iamray 2

so how is it her fault he left you?

I have a friend called Hope. I wonder if it's her.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Not likely considering you live in Scotland and OP is in the US

who says my friend doesn't live in the US?

Rather juvenile. He made that decision, not her.

"Your honor, I defecated on her lawn because that BITCH stole my boyfriend." "And what did you achieve?" "I was able to pass the jalapeños from the other night."