By MissTrix - 29/10/2010 00:58 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend decided he hates my male best friend because they have "conflicting interests." My best friend's response? "What's his gamertag so I can shoot him in Halo?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 943
You deserved it 7 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend sounds awesome, tell him.

the best friend sounds cooler than the bf


MeGustaComer 0

This literally made me lol. I don't see why your life is f*cked, op.

Wow, I'm totally jealous! I wish I had a best friend like that! He's defending you! So cute!

How is he defending her? :P He just hates her boyfriend.

uhh, i'm pretty sure its gamer tag. thanks

CurtisDkidd 0

dump your boyfriend and date your best friend cause THAT DUDE IS AWESOME!

nice to see the male gender hasn't changed any in several thousands of years once, he'd have defended you with a real sword or a pistol. now it's a virtual one. at least these days it normally isn't followed up with a funeral. your friend rocks.

So your friend wants to use a game for stress relief instead of blowing your boyfriend's head off? I'm not sure I see the FML.