By Anonymous - 07/12/2011 17:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting frisky. He pulled off my panties and was about to go down on me when he said, "Wait, what's this white thing?" It was a piece of toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 876
You deserved it 20 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments


flyincheezweasel 0

He's an asshole for bringing it up. Keith Stone would wipe it away without mentioning it or drawing attention to it. The lady shouldn't even be aware anything was there.

He was all like yeah :P, then he was like ew Xl

andrewsgirl2010 7
gatorkiss 0

Hey you left him a napkin so he could clean up after eating

That's what they are...PANTIES! There's nothing pedo about the name. It's a normal name for them...those who think otherwise, you either have serious issues (of which a psychologist can help you sort out) or you are just another in a long line of immature children trying to further butcher proper names for things by changing name/definition so you can feel "cool"....for instance: kissing/making out, is NOT mating & DERP is not the next best thing to say instead of "duh". Lol!

You're supposed to PAT, not scrub or wipe...that's how you irritate down there & leave those annoying/ embarrassing little chunks of TP. It's urine (a liquid) not poo coming out of that area.