By petpeeeve - 11/03/2009 02:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time in our relationship and it was great. He drove me back to my house and walked me to the door, then instead of kissing me goodbye he patted me on the back. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 864
You deserved it 10 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow lmao, that must feel terrible. (Hey, I remember I checked "Yes" to this FML while moderating!)


OMG. My guess is you have probably kissed during the intercourse. Maybe he was in a hurry or whatever, I would not pay THAT much attention to that. Oh NOOOOO; I got my back patted. TWICE!!

Makes you sound like a horse, doesn't it. Patting your horse after a hard ride. Hmm. Poor you. Well, hope he was just having a "guy" moment and that the relationship is still strong

asdfghjkl_12 0

I don't know about anyone else, but where I live, two pats on the back means "I'm gay", and three means "I'm not gay." Get it? That might be what the poster meant. If not, that just sucks.

Mellyy_V 0

honestly that really sucks maybe he was juz after dhat jz realize dhat if dhats all he wanted he wasnt worth ur time.. and dhen tell everyone he gave u dhe itch! lolz.. buh of course u got cured lol

I notice that YOU didn't kiss him goodbye either.

I think this is cute in some sort of fey precarious way. Passionate goodbyes aren't always necessary and are a little too rich sometimes. Probably especially so after sex. You and he were loved out, or should have been.

#3 if it were a hug, i'd agree with you. but a pat? on the back? that's just. well. you kn0w

choppedNskrewed 0

youve officially been chopped and skrewed