By falafalo - 14/04/2012 04:08 - United States

Today, as a medical student working in a hospital, I asked a patient if he had any questions for me or his physician. His only question: whether or not my breasts are real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 003
You deserved it 4 004

falafalo tells us more.

the_true_batman – I may not be a doctor, but that does not make the comments that reference female doctors irrelevant. Female medical students and female doctors face many of the same issues when working in the hospital. A couple of letters behind your name and a long white coat don’t erase sexism. If you can’t make the mental leap to connect female medical students and female doctors as women in health care, then perhaps is it you that needs to work on your critical THINKING skills. DocBastardrd and sjs1220 - Thank you for the support.

Top comments

untouchable763 10

Haha I can visualize homer Simpson doing something like that... Nurse: any questions? Homer: omg look at those... No! Don't stare! Better say something, she's looking at you! But they're so... No! C'mon c'mon give me something to work with... Alright, whatever you say, don't ask if those boobs are real. Don't ask! Omg why are her lips moving? I haven't thought about anything! Nurse: mr Simpson...? Homer out loud: are those boobs real? Homer head voice: D'OH!


untouchable763 10
notjustanybody20 9

people really need to take female doctors seriously! i feel bad for you,op!

Michael_92 20

I take female docs seriously. Then again to me there are more important things in my head then "I wonder if those are real or not? hmmm lets ask"

Haha I can visualize homer Simpson doing something like that... Nurse: any questions? Homer: omg look at those... No! Don't stare! Better say something, she's looking at you! But they're so... No! C'mon c'mon give me something to work with... Alright, whatever you say, don't ask if those boobs are real. Don't ask! Omg why are her lips moving? I haven't thought about anything! Nurse: mr Simpson...? Homer out loud: are those boobs real? Homer head voice: D'OH!

Well, that is sorta a medical question!

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It doesn't matter if she's a doctor or not, it's still sexist bullshit. And when someone reduces you to a body part like that, it's not a ******* compliment, it's a continuation of the objectification of women that keeps them down.

mrmusicman97 4

I'm sorry 13, I don't think you're comment should have been buried.

WaSiSimiLang I love your style and way of thinking! Good job man! Can't wait for more!

Thanks once again to 75, 89, 103, and enugmax2514! Welcome back bro haven't seen you in ages! Where you been? Like your comments too! And yeah 104, it's sad the post got thumbed down... Maybe by male chauvinist pigs? Whats wrong with female doctors?

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erkasaurusrexx 0
erkasaurusrexx 0

muscles are different from female breasts. Sorry if you weren't aware of this. If a woman comments on a man's biceps, it's a compliment, must mean he's workin' out if they're so nice to compliment. Asking a woman if her breasts are real? Breasts are more sexual than biceps/chest muscles/etc. It's disrespectful. Sorry you have to have such a narrow mind. ":)"

JurassicHole 5

I love how a bunch of people in this thread are getting their panties in a bunch. It's a simple "yes or no" question and if it made OP that uncomfortable then she could've just walked out! It's called maturity people, as most of you are only showing immaturity by calling out "sexism" or she needs to have revenge over something so insignificant as this. ***** sake people, get a grip.

untouchable763 10

OP never answered my question :(

OHai15 12

did anyone else read 27's comment in their head sounding like homer simpson?

131: well I know I did! That's the whole point innit? Won't be hilarious no more if you read it in your own voice!

Perhaps #116, you could go back and read what I wrote instead of what you think I wrote. Didn't state nor imply that male muscles were the same as female breasts, so you sound like a real airhead for your comment. Furthermore, female breasts are for feeding babies. Looks you have been voted to be the narrow minded one. Easy fix for you though, just keep your dumbass comments to yourself and all will be fine. :)

What's with #115/116? Why do these people have to be such asses? Your comments don't reflect on what the Coffee bean guy even said. I agree with him, "Don't be a Douche."

kate1238 9

I knew there would be a smart ass question like this XD

Oh really? Please tell us more. Pleeeeeeeease. :D Can someone please invent a Sarcasm Font? I'm dying here.

^ Lol... I said that once and my comment got buried. :p

WD_Stevens 22

I somehow knew this would be the first comment

At least he had his mind off of what was hurting him.

Yes... Plus starring at boobs is good for your health. Touching them is even better. Atleast thats what I learnt from.. Uhm... Special 'medical' clips online....

Incredibly_Dope 0

After he saw those his dick was hurting from a severe erection

I've had a patient wink and tell me that I could examine him any time, 'honey bunny'. It was a scrotal exam. Patients can be so inappropriate.

Michael_92 20

"Were gonna need a higher power microscope. This thing just ain't cutting it."

Donat96 20

Sorry #3, that must have been me.*creepy smile*

9 continued: And carefully direct the finely focused beam of sunlight towards the aforementioned region.

It was probably the morphine speaking. Well I hope for your sake anyway (:

That or OP has great boobs! Who doesn't love good boobies!

Me when I run. Or when my bra straps always fall off my shoulders. Or when my bra wire breaks. Sometimes I think life would just be easier with no boobies (: maybe..

Straps off the shoulder sucks, luckily my underwire has never broken, that just sounds painful! I do recommend you invest in a sports bra, haha.

Or I should just stop buying bras from Kmart!

Haha, yes, buy nice underwear it makes you feel that much better... Sounds weird, but trust me and soon you will see!

At least he didnt try and find out for himself

vintagemeow 6

Apparently your chest is very imbreastive..

It was the breastest diagnosis the patient ever received.

Now, now... Let all of our comments be of proportion abreast to our age and maturity since we are breast known for the words we speak. Every politician knows this as many have fallen to the booby traps set by the media. So beware because fml is like politics, if they hate what they see, they vote you down! Let's take a break and munch on some tit-bits eh? And when we get back, I'm going to pretend I never saw this, just to make a clean breast of things... And critics, calm your ****

LOL WasSiSimiLang you're hilarious. all the posts I've seen by you are awesome. :)

Thanks redwednesday! Not many people find me funny most of the time... Guess I'm just on a lucky streak? Anyways thanks! All of your smiles are the only rewards needed!

Oh sorry little red, didn't read your profile pic before I commented... And hey you're awesome too! All I will tell you is that I'm of the same age as you, and the birth date is really close too! High five sistah!

erkasaurusrexx 0

#41 I believe I am in love with you

Awww 117 that's so sweet, thanks! Love ya all!

Why do people never seem to take female doctors as seriously as male doctors?

Same reason no one takes a male nurse seriously.

19 you made my day! Was thinking the exact same thing! Thumbs up for you!

cc_the_beast 6

That's not true at all. I work with a few male nurses and patients assume they're doctors (even though they're wearing scrubs just like the rest of us - unlike the doctors). I've never seen a patient who doesn't take male nurses seriously.

I take female doctors seriously. At times, maybe more than male doctors since they may have to work harder and face more discrimination to follow the profession they want.

Because guys dont belong in the kitchen

OHai15 12

lmao this thread reminds me of on Meet the Parents, when Ben Stiller's in-laws found it funny he was a male nurse and not a doctor.

PinkPonyPrincess 3
indifferent27 2

you know the only reason that people are thumbs downing your comment is because youre a brony

Searching for a constructive thing to say.....well at least u have an impressive chest??....

Lol u think thats bad, work in the ER for cupel years

You should probably sit in an English class for a couple of years. Your spelling is horrid.

I hope you don't work in the ER, seeing as someone with such awful English probably wouldn't be a great doctor. Also, your username containing the name "nickelback" is enough to make me feel very ill.

jbuczek1 0

Actually it's "nichelback". Another example of poor spelling.

He was referring to the original spelling, "nichelback3505"

KiddNYC1O 20

There's a line? Where? Hey you guys! Get back in line! Jeeeez